Oct. the 2nd and 3rd 2010 the POLJANCI went on an excursion to Sv. Martin on the Mur in the Međimurje (NW-Croatia). Our first stop led us to Peresznye/Prisika/Prössing (Hungary), where in his birthplace pastor Dujmovits showed us the local folk-museum with its religious objects.
Our second stop was in Köszeg/Kiseg/Güns where we learned something about the town’s history and its conections to the Croats living in that area. After lunch we visited the famous romanic church in Ják.
As we finally came to Sv. Martin na Muri we had supper in the vineyards and afterwards the possibility to appreciate the hot springs. On Sunday we performed in mass in Sv. Martin na Muri and afterwards the parish invited us to lunch. After this beautiful and enjoyable weekend our way led us home again, yet we didn’t go home straight away, but stopped in Szombathely/Sombatelj/Steinamanger to have a delicious pie, tart or crème of chestnut.
Sveti Martin na mur (Cro) Sveti Martin, 2.-3.10.2010